In the early 1930s, according to Msgr. O’Connell, the Little Flower Foundation established by the priests at the Seminary of the Galveston Diocese, provided the difference between starvation and survival for the seminarians. The Galveston Diocesan Council of Catholic Women asked to include this need in their work and voted to do so at their Convention in 1931. In 1933, the Catholic Clerical Student Fund was incorporated. In 1959, the Diocese of Galveston became the Diocese of Galveston-Houston.
The purpose of this corporation is to raise funds to be used in the education of young men to the Priesthood. The established policy is to invest the donations received through enrollments and otherwise, paying the income from it annually to the Bishop of Galveston-Houston to be used to educate young men to the Roman Catholic Priesthood. This Corporation was organized, exists and operates now as a body subject to the bylaws of the organization and the directon of its Chairman, the Archbishop of Galveston-Houston.
In 1943, the first check of $300.00 was presented to the Bishop. By 1963, the annual check presented to the Bishop had grown to $11,407.49. The Catholic Clerical Student Fund (CCSF) has come a long way since those days. In 2023, a check for $130,900 was presented to His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, from the Catholic Clerical Student Fund. This makes the cumulative amount given to the Archbishop for St. Mary’s Seminary $6,711,290. The Catholic Clerical Student Fund is grateful to all who have contributed to the Fund and asks for the continued support of the generous people of the Archdiocese.
Burses, currently in the amount of $15,000.00, are the means by which the Fund operates. Minimum contributions annually of $5.00 per person (or $10.00 per family/group and $25.00 per single/couple perpetual enrollments) accrue to fill the Burses. The fund accepts larger gifts as well. A complete Burse of $15,000.00 may also be given in honor/memory of an individual or family. Recommended names for Burses are approved by the Archbishop. To date there have been 146 Burses named and completed. Small gift cards are provided for $5.00 enrollments with larger cards for contributions of $10.00/$25.00 or more. To request gift cards, contact Donna Yanowski at
To fulfill the mission of the CCSF, the continued enrollment of friends, relatives and clergy, both living and deceased, is encouraged. They may be remembered on such occasions as birth, birthday, wedding, anniversary, First Communion, Confirmation, illness, death, in appreciation, or for a special intention. It is especially helpful to remember the Fund in Last Wills and as the Beneficiary to Insurance Policies.
The spiritual favors for those enrolled, as well as for the donors to the Fund, are many. Both will be remembered often in Masses at St. Mary’s Seminary, in the prayers of the Seminarians themselves, and in the prayers and Masses of new priests after their ordination.
Please pray for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life.
Beverly Brumbaugh